Childbirth is such a beautiful process but for many women, they are left with so much work after the pregnancy that they can’t seem to get their love life back to the type of level that got them pregnant in the first place! There are many natural ways to keep your libido up after pregnancy that are completely free and healthy for you. No matter who you are it feels good to desire and be desired period, much less after such an event like a pregnancy. So, below we have listed five natural ways to keep your libido up after pregnancy.
Exercise is literally great for everything ESPECIALLY getting the blood flowing in all the right places and for making you feel less stressed and more vibrant and energetic. Not only that but exercise releases endorphins which are feel-good hormones that help your self-image. This extra confidence boost you get from completing a task and getting some movement is very valuable to a woman after pregnancy.
Manage Stress
Exercise is great because it helps you to not only add muscle and build a good looking body but it also helps you to manage the stress in your life because we all know how stressful kids can be! There are other ways to manage stress aside from exercising, and those include, reading, spending time in nature, getting a massage, pampering yourself, having “you time”, and going out with your friends. Make sure to take time for yourself or you might feel overwhelmed with all the to do’s in your life. Sit back and watch the sunset with your favorite tunes in the background deserve it!
Eat Healthily
Many women claim that during pregnancy they crave (and eat) a bunch of junk foods like ice cream and chips. Everything you eat not only impacts the baby but it impacts you and your health as well. If you are eating junk then you are going to look and feel like junk. Making sure to eat a balanced diet of meats (which help produce serotonin so you feel happy), vegetables (which give you vitamins and minerals to help you run at optimal), fruit (which has vitamins and fiber), and healthy fats (like coconut oil, red palm oil, and olive oil because fats cause satiety and are good for everyone) will go a long way to changing the way you feel internally and externally. If your body thinks it’s dying because you haven’t given it proper nutrition then why would it want to reproduce? That would be it’s last option because the first thing would be to keep you alive. Thrive by grazing on real whole foods as a natural way to increase your libido after pregnancy.
Sleep Deeply
Most mothers know that the biggest complaint in being a new mother is the lack of sleep they get due to the demands of the child. However, despite how often it occurs you still have to find a way to get some deep sleep. And just because you are sleeping doesn’t mean you are sleeping deeply. You could be spending the time asleep while still not getting into REM sleep (which is also known as restorative sleep). To do this make sure to blackout your room, invest in blue blocker glasses and put your phone on night mode and red screen to prevent the blue light from activating your brain’s wakefulness signals.
Check Your Hormones
If all else fails and nothing from the above works then you should consider getting hormone therapy to help your hormones get back into balance. When your hormones are running optimally you just can’t help but want to ravish your partner as a natural process of being attracted to someone. If your hormones don’t work properly then you won’t feel like ever doing “it”. And that’s no fun for anyone.
If you’ve been feeling off after your pregnancy then it could be a sign you need to do two things: take care of yourself (using the strategies above) and get your hormones checked to make sure your body is running properly. Usually, it takes just a little tweaking to fix any hormonal issues. If you’d like to check your hormones then come and see us at South Florida’s #1 Anti-Aging Clinic. Here at Dynamic Wellness, we will give you a free consultation to see if what we have to offer is what you really need to be and feel at your best. Make an appointment with us today!