6.1 Ways the Holidays Can Wreak Havoc on Your Skin

When it comes to skincare, most people misbehave during the holidays.
Be the exception. Maintain that healthy glow through New Year’s Day by kicking seasonal bad habits like these:
1. Skipping the basics.
Hectic schedules tempt us to skip essential care like cleansing, moisturizing, and exfoliating.
It might be impossible to stick to your 10-step regimen, but don’t blow off the basics. Simplify your routine by using all-in-one products until things settle down.
2. Sleeping in makeup.
The festivities might inspire you to wear extra makeup. Be sure to wash it off. Sleeping in makeup clogs your pores and invites harmful bacteria. Keep convenient cleansing wipes on the nightstand in case you forget to wash.
3. Not getting enough sleep.
When you turn in for the night, your body gets busy boosting healthy skin. While visions of sugarplums dancing in your head, your lymphatic system flushes out toxins. The brain releases skin-friendly hormones that regenerate damaged cells and tissue.
On the other hand, lack of sleep results in high levels of cortisol — the main culprit behind acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
If it’s hard to wind down, try a calming aromatic pillow spray or soothing white noise. Keep the room cool. In the half-hour before bed, opt for reading or meditation over TV or social media.
4. Overusing alcohol.
For lots of folks, ’tis the season to be jollier than usual. However, going overboard on alcohol could result in blotchiness, redness, puffy eyes, broken capillaries, or enlarged pores.
Alcohol is also extremely dehydrating, and dry skin is wrinkled and lifeless. To prevent dehydration, the Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink 13 cups of water per day. For women, it’s nine cups.
If you can’t resist that extra cocktail now and then, choose something with a water mixer. Up your daily water intake during a party, season to counter alcohol’s skin-damaging effects.
5. Eating sugary holiday treats.
Those enormous trays of cookies and fudge are tough to ignore but don’t go crazy. If you have eczema or acne, sugar will aggravate it.
Not only that, but proteins like collagen and elastin keep your skin looking youthful. When sugar binds to them, they can’t do their job.
Enjoy a treat or two, but stick mostly to salmon, leafy greens, berries, grapes, walnuts, olives, sunflower seeds, and other skin-beneficial foods.
6. Letting stress get the best of you.
Stress does a number on the proteins that keep wrinkles at bay. It weakens the immune system, and the rash is a typical result. The outer layer of skin is responsible for keeping skin moist and radiant, but it doesn’t function very well when you’re under stress. Finally, stress raises cortisol levels. Cortisol ramps up oil production, and excess oil triggers acne.
Your caterer is late; Your flight is delayed, You’ve overspent on gifts. When you feel stress building up, take a few deep breaths. Make time for soaking in the tub, listening to music, and counting your blessings.
The chaos and excess of the holidays create a perfect storm for your skin. With a little discipline, you can weather it.