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First Steps To Caring For Your Health

Your health should be your number one priority. If you are financially wealthy but you lack the energy to move then you aren’t rich - you’re poor. The ultimate health is wealth. So, what are the first steps when it comes to caring for your health? There are three things you should do to begin your journey towards caring for your body so that your mind and emotions can feel optimal as well.

Get Morning Sunlight

Morning sunlight sets your circadian rhythm in place. “Your body’s circadian system dictates many of your biological processes, including your appetite, energy levels, hormone production, and body temperature. As humans, we are diurnal creatures, so our circadian rhythms revolve around the patterns of the sun”. Many people are rarely (if ever) exposed to sunlight in the mornings because the first things they do in the morning usually revolves around getting to work. But, if you can find the time to get direct sunlight on your eyes within an hour of the sun rising you can get your cortisol to rise (which energizes you). This, in turn, will make your cortisol begin to decline after the sun sets making your melatonin rise helping you fall asleep at night (and get deeper sleep). Morning sunlight will make everything get into its proper place when it comes to your hormones so its the best first step to caring for your health.

Drink Spring Water

We are made of water. It's important for our survival. The only problem is people are buying water the same way they would gasoline- as though the cheaper one is the option we need. Most cheap water bottle companies use purification process that make the water you drink unsatisfying to your body. Water that is purified using reverse osmosis, distillation, and/or ozonation is so devoid of minerals that your body doesn’t recognize or absorb it. You can drink that water your whole life and never fully feel hydrated. When you drink spring water you are drinking water that is full of minerals and nutrients it picks up as it passes through sediments and rocks in the ground. When you are properly hydrated because you are drinking actual water, your body just runs better in every way possible. You begin to detoxify your liver and intestines. You begin to lubricate your joints and spine. You begin to feel less hungry. And overall you just feel more energized.

Stretch & Move

Movement is absolutely essential to a happy and healthy life because when we move we have blood flow, lymphatic system gets cleaned, we get oxygen into our cells, and we build muscle and get stronger as well. All these things would not be possible without movement. As we age we lose muscle, this is called sarcopenia. We also become more and more stuff if we don’t stretch. We all have muscular imbalances that make certain muscles extra tight (tonic) and other muscles extra weak (phasic). It’s important to strengthen those weak muscles and stretch those tight muscles on you. There are seven functional movements that all humans do: squat, bend, push, pull, lunge, twist, and gait/walk. If you want to be healthy and balanced it’s important to do all seven functional on a weekly basis. Stretch your tight muscles and strengthen your weak muscles - that’s the formula for a good looking body.

Those are the first steps to caring for your health. If you are looking to just start this journey towards optimal health then start here. It all begins with morning sunlight. Taking a nice walk outside in the morning as the sun rises can then drinking some spring water will be a great morning routine if you want to care for your health.

Experience the life-changing health and rehabilitation treatments offered by the Dynamic Wellness & Rehabilitation Center, and start living your life to the fullest! Based in Miami, FL, our center offers our innovative health treatments to anyone and everyone seeking a more comfortable, satisfying life. Book an appointment with us today, and see the benefits of our therapies for yourself. You won’t be disappointed.


“If You Want Better Sleep, Get More Morning Sunlight.” Tuck Sleep, 30 Jan. 2019,


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