Try This Peptide To Heal Your Second Brain
Our gut is where we break down and assimilate our food. If your gut isn't working properly then you will not be able to get and convert the energy from your food. This can lead to chronic fatigue and depression. They say your gut is your second brain. If that is the case then having gut issues can cause brain issues.
Speaking from personal experience, when I had gut issues I just couldn't think straight, focus, or hold still whatsoever. I had a jumpy mind and ADD/ADHD symptoms for years. Concentration and focus were concepts I just didn't understand and couldn't grasp. Brain fog was my everyday existence. I didn't know life could be another way. Learning was a challenge every step of the way and my mental reasoning was off so I made some extremely bad choices in everyday life scenarios. My gut problems were also making me EXTREMELY emotional so I was easily triggered, super sensitive, and utterly depressed for YEARS.
If “All diseases begin in the gut” (Hippocrates), then we must care for the gut because if we don't then we can suffer from some major health challenges. According to problems with our gut can lead to stomach disturbances like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn can all be signs of an unhealthy gut high-sugar diet, unintentional weight changes, sleep disturbances or constant fatigue, skin irritation, autoimmune conditions, food intolerances, and more.
What Causes Gut Issues?
What are the major causes of gut problems? Antibiotics which kill good AND bad bacteria; pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides kill good bacteria; genetically modified foods destroy the gut wall because they have pesticides made in them; prescription drugs irritate the gut lining; highly inflammatory and processed foods like high fructose corn syrup, commercial corn, wheat, soy, peanuts, and coffee can irritate the gut and cause systemic inflammation; and stress destroys the gut by causing inflammation.
Below I will list 4 ways we can we heal and repair our guts so that life is better in every way:
Avoid Inflammation
Avoid inflammatory, processed, and genetically modified foods. As stated earlier these inflammatory man-made foods destroy the gut and make it harder to heal. So one of the first steps you can take to heal your gut is to go on an organic Paleo Diet (eating like our ancestors). The lack of grains in the diet has an enormously healing effect on the gut due to the lack of lectins and phytic acid-containing foods.
Exposure to more healthy microbes is key in putting more good bacteria in the gut. The way we can do this is by spending time in nature and amongst natural soil. When we walk into forests we will become calm (see this study on Shin-rin yoku, also called “Forest Bathing”) because the trees and soil give off oils and microbes that we smell. Thus they penetrate our gut giving us more healthy beneficial bacteria. Michael Ruscio in his book Healthy Gut Healthy You found that children exposed to more soil and farm animals had stronger, healthier, and more resilient guts than those who didn’t. So, get out in nature asap!
Taking probiotics will “recondition the gut by promoting microbial diversity and maintaining key health-promoting, commensal gut bacteria”. My favorite one is MegaSporeBiotic™. It’s a “100% spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic clinically shown to maintain a healthy gut barrier function. This unique all-spore formula effectively RECONDITIONS the gut MegaSporeBiotic™ boasts a 5-year shelf-life, does not require refrigeration, and maintains efficacy during antibiotic therapy.” This article by Harvard suggests that “research has been promising for these friendly critters. Potential benefits of probiotics have been seen in the treatment or prevention of diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, H. pylori (the cause of ulcers), vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, recurrence of bladder cancer, infection of the digestive tract caused by Clostridium difficile, pouchitis (a possible side effect of surgery that removes the colon), eczema in children”, and more
Peptide LL-37
Peptide LL-37 is a type of antimicrobial peptides (AMP) used for the defense mechanism against the bacterial and fungal invasion of eukaryotic organisms in autoimmune diseases. “LL-37 contributes to maintenance and re-establishment of the intestinal barrier integrity via direct and indirect pathways” (1). In my own practice, I recommend that everyone try LL-37 along with the other tips to heal their gut wall, especially if they have leaky gut (undigested food particles in the blood) or intestinal permeability.
In conclusion, if you want to be healthy and live a better life, then healing your gut is essential. Limit things that destroy your gut and add in things that heal your gut like time in nature, a probiotic, and peptides like LL37.
If you are interested in healing your gut SUPER fast then I recommend making an appointment with us at Dynamic Wellness to see if our peptides can help you! Contact us here!