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The Top 3 Books To Pick Up For Health

What you put into your body is important, but what you put into your mind is equally as helpful (or destructive) to your health and life overall. People always say that you are what you eat. This is true. But I have a different phrase that I live by and it goes: You are what you eat, drink, and read.

Before you go putting things into your body you have to have a baseline of optimal health by eating, moving, sleeping, and getting some sunlight. Once you’ve done these things and you still haven’t found relief of your issues then it might be necessary to seek our help here at Dynamic Wellness. For this reason, we have listed the top 3 books to pick up for your health that will literally transform your life by changing the way you think about your body and about food in general. They will give you real solutions to your physical problems. There are many books out there but we have narrowed them down to these top 3 books for you to pick up for health.

Book #3

The Paleo Cure by Chris Kresser

Eat Right for Your Genes, Body Type, and Personal Health Needs -- Prevent and Reverse Disease, Lose Weight Effortlessly, and Look and Feel Better than Ever

Despite how advanced we are as a civilization, we are still the same people as those roaming the earth 10,000 years ago. Those people were known as our Paleolithic ancestors. They were the healthiest and most robust people who ever lived. Before the advent of agriculture, we as humans only ate meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds (basically anything that could be hunted or gathered- not farmed). Industrialization brought with it many great things but it also brought disease.

Western diets (especially the SAD diet- Standard American Diet) has brought heart disease and other diseases to the highest rates EVER. When cultures untouched by Western Diets start to introduce our hydrogenated oils, pasteurized dairy, grains, and other man-made foods into their lives they see a decline in the health of their populations.

Chris Kresser offers people a “basic prescription for health and resiliency and then offers techniques so you can tailor the program for your needs and make it work on a personal level”. He teaches you how to eat according to the Paleo diet in a way that is easy to follow and natural because it is based on history and on the way we as humans are designed to eat.

Book #2: The Metabolic Typing Diet by Bill Wolcott

Customize Your Diet To Free Yourself from Food Cravings -- Achieve Your Ideal Weight; Enjoy High Energy and Robust Health; Prevent and Reverse Disease.

What’s the right diet for you? Is it high carb? What about the keto diet? How about the carnivore diet? When it comes to diets, there are so many choices out there from the South Beach Diet to the Atkins Diet and everything in between. What Bill Wolcott suggests is that the best diet for you is the one based on your ancestry and unique genetic makeup. He studied the works of Dr. Weston A. Price to come up with this system that he calls Metabolic Typing.

In the 1930s, dentist Weston Price began taking expeditions around the world studying the link between modern eating habits and chronic degenerative diseases. He found that there wasn't a single diet that is ideal for everyone due to variation in climate, local produce, environmental conditions, heredity, genetics, and culture. In later years, Bill Wolcott, George Watson, Roger Williams, William Kelley, and others continued research in this area. They believed that individual metabolism varied greatly due to two factors, which were strongly influenced by heredity:

Autonomic nervous system dominance. One branch of the autonomic nervous system, the sympathetic nervous system, uses energy and is often referred to as the "fight or flight" response. The other branch, the parasympathetic nervous system, conserves energy and helps with the digestion of food. Proponents of the diet believe that one branch tends to be stronger or more dominant than the other.

Rate of cellular oxidation. This refers to the rate at which cells convert food into energy. According to proponents of the metabolic typing diet, some people are fast oxidizers, who can rapidly convert food into energy. In order to balance their systems, fast oxidizers need to eat heavier proteins and fats that burn slowly. In contrast, slow oxidizers convert food into energy at a slow rate. In order to balance their systems, its recommended that they eat mainly carbohydrates rather than protein and fat. There are three general types discovered.

Protein types: Protein types are fast oxidizers or parasympathetic dominant. They tend to be frequently hungry; crave fatty, salty foods; fail with low-calorie diets. These people need a diet that is rich in oils and high-purine proteins such as organ meats, beef, dark-meat poultry, and seafood including salmon, tuna, herring, and mussels. Protein types can also eat fats such as eggs, whole milk, cream, and whole-milk cheese. Their carbohydrate intake should be low, and should focus on complex carbs (whole grains, vegetables) over simple ones (sugary, starchy foods). They should aim for a macronutrient balance of 40 percent protein, 30 percent fats, and 30 percent carbs at each meal.

Carbo types: Carbo types are slow oxidizers or sympathetic dominant. They generally have relatively weak appetites, a high tolerance for sweets, problems with weight management, and "type A" personalities. They are often dependent on caffeine. These types need a diet that is high in carbohydrates and low in protein, fats, and oils. They should eat low-purine proteins, such as turkey and chicken (light meat only) and lighter fish like haddock, perch, sole, and flounder. Carbo types should stick with low-fat dairy products and eat lots of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. They don't need to load up on refined carbs. Their ideal macronutrient balance is 60 percent carbs and about 20 percent of both fats and protein.

Mixed types: Mixed types are neither fast or slow oxidizers and are neither parasympathetic or sympathetic dominant. They generally have average appetites, cravings for sweets and starchy foods, relatively little trouble with weight control, and tend towards fatigue, anxiety, and nervousness. People classified as "mixed" types should eat a mixed diet, one that is a mixture of high-fat, high-purine proteins and low-fat, low-purine proteins such as eggs, yogurt, tofu, and nuts. This type requires relatively equal ratios of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

This book will be the only diet and nutrition book that you will ever need if you follow the system correctly.

Wolcott claims that it works for 100% of people who follow it fully. If your wish is to have energy, lose body fat, and live a robust and vital life then this is the book for you.

Book #1: How To Eat, Move, & Be Healthy by Paul Chek

Your Personalized 4-Step Guide to Looking and Feeling Great from the Inside Out.

Paul Chek is a world renowned Holistic Health Practitioner who wrote this book to literally challenge conventional wisdom when it comes to nutrition and health. He offers readers a solution to all physical problems by addressing movement, sleep, diet, and purpose.

In this book he goes into the basics of how to move properly and create your own exercise program including stretches and how to address muscular imbalances.

He also covers the scientific reasoning behind why the Paleo diet along with metabolic typing diet are the foundation for optimal health and vitality.

In addition, Chek goes in depth on many of the lifestyle factors that we need to implement into our daily lives in order to be and feel our best like sleep and avoiding the wrong foods.

If you want to eat, move, and be healthy to become the best you then this is the book for you. It’s absolutely essential to anyone looking to transform their lives. It’s a top book to pick up for health.

If you want to live a good life then having optimal health is necessary for you. If you don’t feel good you won’t act well (or look good either). That’s why having a library of good health books is important. Of all the health books out there the ones that really shine through and stand the test of time are the ones that make the most impact on people’s lives. These 3 books by Kresser, Wolcott, and Chek are top picks for health and a great addition to your arsenal of knowledge that will make you healthier just by reading them.

If after reading these and applying this info and you still don’t feel better inside and out, then definitely schedule a free consultation with us at Dynamic Wellness so that we can address any of your physical problems once and for all!


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